Mystic Journeying

Leap of faith

Mystic Journeying is the spiritual practice of going into a trance state through listening to rhythmic drumming or instruments like the Tibetan bowl that mimic the brain-wave patterns between waking and sleeping (alpha and theta waves.) The purpose of trancing in this way is to obtain symbolically represented information from “non-ordinairy reality.” This practice is called “Shamanic Journeying” by the Foundation for Shamanic Studies because it is a method used by indigenous people in which the practitioner consciously goes on a journey in their mind and travels through a mystical landscape. 

Everyone has roots to some indigenous culture(s) that practiced going into a trance state to get spiritual information. The phenomena of journeying is every human’s birthright. However, to avoid issues of cultural appropriation, students are encouraged to engage with their own specific cultural and spiritual traditions as we create sacred space and practice the cross-cultural phenomena known as journeying. Because my ancestors are Norse and Celtic, I prefer to use the term “Mystic Journeying” rather than “Shamanic Journeying” to describe my practice. In this class, I bring Celtic and Norse traditions to the experience, but students of other traditions are welcomed to participate in their own way.

To begin Mystic Journeying, you will need to take a beginner’s seminar either from me or from a practitioner trained by the Foundation for Shamanic Studies or equivalent. After the initial training, you may attend the informal, monthly, on-going practice classes. Beginning students who are not yet familiar with the journeying practice or do not know their animal helpers and spirit guides will focus on creating good relationships with guides and helpers so that you may eventually be able to do the deeper healing work. Whether you are a beginning, intermediate, or advanced journeyer, you may use your journeying practice to obtain mystic information and healing for yourself.

Once you have established relationships with your helpers, you may choose to participate in more advanced level seminars and learn to do deep healing work like soul retrieval, helping departed spirits to pass over, or healing the energy body from negative intrusions. No matter what your level of ability, practicing mystic journeying regularly will offer you a stepping stone towards developing your healing skills. Journeying regularly helps increase the neural pathways needed to use clairaudient and clairvoyant abilities. Journeying is an important tool for any student of healing.

Beginner’s Seminar happens several times a year on a weekend afternoon.

Mystic Journeying Group is for people who already know how to journey and want to practice. This group meets once a month near the full moon. This is a social group.

Please bring a mat or sleeping bag to lie upon, a blanket to cover you, a pillow for your head, something to cover your eyes like a towel or bandana, something to write in like a notebook or journal, and snacks to share.

Please do not come to class high or ill. While some indigenous groups journey using drugs, in this class we will be learning to journey without them. Some drugs, like modern pot, may even make it unsafe for you to journey. So, be clear-headed when you come to class. Do not come if you think, “Oh, I just have a little cold.” We will be close together. Breathing. Be kind to your fellow humans and do not be a pawn in the dastardly schemes of germs! We can send you healing energy long distance and will look forward to seeing you another time.

To gain a better understanding of what journeying is like, please read my article, “Reclaiming Shamanism.” A great first book on journeying is Soul Retrieval, by Sandra Ingerman. For more information about journeying and shamanism, please visit the website for The Foundation for Shamanic Studies.

Dates & Locations: various throughout the year ~ please see my class calendar.