It is vitally important for one’s health to be able to heal the body’s metabolic pathways. According to Janeway’s Immunobiology textbook used by colleges around the country, pathogens in the body like yeast, bacteria and viruses can corrupt the body’s metabolic processes in order to create a comfortable environment for them. What this means is that the more illnesses that you have had over your lifetime the more likely you are to have metabolism issues. If the body is not able to process nutrients properly and get them to the areas in the body where they are needed, the body may not be able to heal itself from injuries or do basic tasks like keeping the body at the right temperature, blood pressure, or blood sugar level. When nutrients can’t get where they need to go, a body will often put on or lose weight and be unable to defend itself from pathogens like bacteria, fungus and viruses. In this class, students learn how to identify metabolism issues and heal them.
Prerequisite: Pendulum dowsing and/or muscle testing ability; Reiki I attunement.
This is a two-part series.
Cost: $25 for one; $50 for both.
Dates & Locations: Various throughout the year ~ please see my class calendar.