About Amy

I choose to offer my skills a mind-body connection guide and Reiki master-teacher because I know what it’s like to feel bad and function poorly in the world and I want to help others recover their well-being by sharing the things that worked for me.

I was introduced to energy work in 2002, while training to become a massage therapist. At the time, I was an undiagnosed empath. I suffered from a long list of food intolerances and environmental sensitivities, as well as unpleasant physical and emotional symptoms including depression, anxiety, insomnia, chronic fatigue, dry eyes, acne, osteoporosis, hot-flashes, Metabolic Syndrome, Long COVID, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, headaches, and sinus infections. Many of these issues had been with me since childhood.

My health issues sent me on a journey to get well. I studied and tried out a wide range of energy-work models. After learning how to manage and fix my own issues, I discovered that I had developed many valuable skills that would help others too. So, I decided to become a mind-body coherence coach and Reiki practitioner for my profession. I’m glad now that I walked this path because I’m able to support people who are fighting and recovering from viral infections, which is so important today.

I know that Muscle Testing, Herbalism, Meditation, and Reiki work because I have been able to use these practices to help my body recover from serious illness. I no longer have many of the uncomfortable symptoms that I used to have including Long COVID symptoms. I am appreciative everyday that I learned these self-empowering practices! I’m happy to share them with you so that you may recover your well-being and the well-being of your family. If you are skeptical about Reiki as a health practice, I encourage you to explore legitimate studies on Reiki that are posted on PubMed and are approved by the National Institute of Health.

A little about me as a person: I live in a cabin in the woods in Fairbanks, Alaska. I identify as a cis female. My pronouns are she/her. I’m in a committed relationship with a cis male. When I am not doing Reiki sessions, I enjoy writing, teaching, and creating activities to bring people together. I like to cook, garden, dance, sing, play guitar, hike, go to the theatre, listen to books on tape, and watch G or PG rated movies. (Occasionally PG13 but not more than that! It’s an empath thing:)

~ Muscle Testing with Steven Fenwick, Olympia WA, 2012
~ IARP Reiki Master Certification with IARP Reiki Master Sharon Evans, 2012
~ Pendulum Dowsing for Health with Gisela Kroeger (daughter of Hanna Kroeger) at the West Coast Dowsing Conference in Santa Cruz CA, 2010
~ Deeksha Blessing Giver, Berkeley CA, 2009
~ Shamanic Journeying Group Practice, Four Winds Foundation, Fairbanks AK, 1998-2007
~ Basic Shamanic Journeying with Debra Chestnut, Anchorage AK, 2003
~ Celtic Shamanism with Tom Cowan, Anchorage AK, 2004
~ Reiki I, II & III Attunements and Training with IARP Reiki Master Sharon Evans, Anchorage AK, 2003
~ Basic Massage Training at The School of Integrating Shiatsu in Fairbanks AK, 2002 – 2003
~ Familiarity (through years of getting treatments and practicing on myself and others) with the NAET Gate Point Acupressure Technique and The Emotion Code