Overcoming Allergies and Food Intolerances


Learn how to use energy-work to address allergies, food intolerances, and sensitivities. Life’s too short not to be able to eat pizza! Bringing your body into balance with foods is possible and even fun and easy when you understand how it works.

Allergies, intolerances and sensitivities may be effected by energy-work. They are the result of an immune system mistake. Using Reiki, it is possible to encourage your body to stop over-reacting to food, pollens, dust, mold, pets, petrochemicals and many other common irritants. You may eat, breathe, and move again!

In this class you will learn basic muscle testing and pendulum dowsing skills to help you identify your allergies, food intolerances, and sensitivities. You will also learn simple acupressure and Reiki techniques for encouraging your immune system to cease over-reacting to allergens.

Format: Four two-hour classes

Cost: $45 for one class; $150 for the entire series of four classes

Dates & Locations: various throughout the year ~ please see my class calendar.